The most beautiful fountain in Basel : -
The Fischmarktbrunnen, built towards the end of the 14th Century, was quickly heralded as the most beautiful fountain in Northern Europe. The fountain is dodecagonal, with a Gothic centrepiece, the original of which can now be found in the Historical Museum . Above the four solid gargoyles, stand angels either with musical instruments or weapons. The large figure represents Peter, Mary, and John. The other smaller figures are other saints and prophets.
» Münster
A beautiful view : -
Two slender towers characterise this red sandstone church. Climb at least one to appreciate the stunning view. Although Münster Hill was already inhabited by the time of the Celts, the present late-Roman/early-Gothic building was mostly constructed in the latter part of the 12th century. In 1356, five towers were destroyed in an earthquake. The famed humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam is buried here. The Roman gate is notable for its many old stone figures.
» NT- Areal
A new home for culture : -
What used to be a goods train station is now a venue for culture. You can only get to the NT-Areal by foot and because of the lorry-traffic it can be a bit dangerous at times. Once you have crossed the carriageway you walk to the intersection Erlenstraße/Mattenstraße and head towards the iron fence. Once you have walked along the dead straight passage in front of you, past the silos you will find the 'Areal'. The aim of the Areal, which has a gallery and a 'Labo' (laboratory) is to link up "innovative and urban thinkers and projects into one pool of knowledge to promote city regeneration". There is also an eatery, the upmarket Erlkönig and a watering-hole called the NT-Lounge where people often go when they have finished their meals. Various events and parties are also held here during the year. |